Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm a Photographer because my 3rd eye is Hungry.

There are a million reasons as to why I photograph people, things, events, and connections. But it's really hard to nail down what it is that I love most about photography. 

But if someone held a grenade to my face, I guess I'd have to say that I'm a photographer for myself.

I can easily go out and do something else. Something more "cookie cutter" that'll require me to spend decades in a cubicle calculating figures and so on... But, I can't imagine myself being confined to a box with a computer. It's like putting a leash on a beaver, like pulling a lion's teeth out. Instead of calculating statistics, I'd much rather  be cooking up a special mix of ISO, aperture and light. 

I thrive on the emotions, the moments, the connections that I capture through the lens. My lens is my third eye. I can see things that most people look past and not admire. Many psychics have what they call a third eye, but it's not anything they can prove to you. But my third eye can be visible for anyone who is interested enough to check out my work. 

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