Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Epiphany.

Note to any photographer.

Your equipment isn't what gets you gigs. It's not your lenses that gets you into places. Most people could care about the new Nano-crystal equipped lens or that red ring around your glass.

It's not the 8 frames you capture in one second, It's about the moment caught in your pixels.

Haley's comet comes around every 75 years. This October is a month with 5 fridays, saturdays, and sundays, this happens every 873 years.

But certain events... they don't ever happen again. This is when you snap, click, actuate, whatever. Someone can replicate the angle. the aperture, the shutter speed, the camera/lens combination. someone can have a better exposure. heck. someone can have a 150 megapixel camera and they wouldn't be able to touch the lives you just did by capturing a fleeting moment that'll never repeat itself.

When's the next time their whole family will shower them with confetti like this??

As a photographer, don't ever forget to enjoy the moments that you're able to take part in. To this day, I haven't photographed one wedding where I didn't laugh and get all mushy.

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